Our attorneys have earned a trusted reputation for protecting the rights of employees and employers throughout Pennsylvania.

Detailed Representation For Government Employees

There are special laws that apply to government workers in Pennsylvania. In some cases, these laws offer more protection, in other cases, they put state employees at greater risk. In all cases, you want an experienced employment lawyer protecting your rights.

At Krevsky Bowser, we handle government employment disputes under the jurisdiction of the State Civil Service Commission. Protecting employees at the state, county and municipal levels, we understand the rights of Pennsylvania civil servants.

Learn Your Rights As A Public Employee

Your employment rights may depend on whether you work for the government at the local, state or federal level. Local and municipal government employees can include firefighters, sanitation workers and public library staff. State employees often include police, public school teachers and DMV workers. Federal employees include U.S. Postal Service workers, federal court employees and employees of federal agencies. However, your classification depends on which level of government controls your job. For example, law enforcement officers could either work for a municipal or state government.

Pennsylvania public employees have the right to select an exclusive union representative for collective bargaining purposes. A union so selected, the employer must then meet in good faith to attempt to reach agreements on wages and terms and conditions of employment. The agreements may include provisions on a variety of topics, including limits on the employer’s right to discipline employees. The agreement is usually subject to a requirement that contract disputes be resolved through the appointment of a neutral decision-maker, called a labor arbitrator.

Furthermore, many government employees are deemed classified employees who fall under the protection of the State Civil Service Commission. The commission provides a forum where classified employees may challenge specific personnel actions or act of discrimination subject to rights of due process.

Termination Of A Government Job

Unlike many employees in the private sector, employees in classified service can only be removed from their jobs for good cause, as determined by the State Civil Service Commission. Good cause includes alleged poor job performance or misconduct, and common challenges include dismissals or demotions based on the following:

  • Alleged leave usage violations
  • Alleged poor performance
  • Alleged workplace misconduct

Call Us For Counsel About Your Employment And Rights

We protect the rights of government employees involved in all types of government employment law disputes. We understand how Pennsylvania law works and we understand how to protect your rights. Call 717-303-3764 or contact us online today for more information.