Our attorneys have earned a trusted reputation for protecting the rights of employees and employers throughout Pennsylvania.

Shield Your Business With Strong Hiring And Termination Policies and Practices

Hiring and firing employees are two areas that can leave employers vulnerable to lawsuits. However, with proper policies and training, you can protect your company from these difficult claims and often avoid litigation altogether. The first step starts with a comprehensive legal assessment from a qualified employment law attorney.

Are Your Company’s Recruitment And Hiring Policies Legal?

As an employer, you have certain discretion when it comes to creating employment applications for your company’s vacant positions. For example, you have a right to ask applicants questions about their work history, skills and qualifications. However, according to the law, there are certain questions that you may not ask, such as those regarding relationship status, if they have children or if they have been convicted of a misdemeanor.

At Krevsky Bowser, our lawyers can help you understand your legal obligations during the recruitment and hiring process, and ensure your policies align with all state and federal laws.

How To Protect Your Company When Firing An Employee

When firing an employee at your company, it is essential to follow properly established policies. This can include taking documented steps prior to termination, such as informing an employee about the work issue, documenting performance reviews and creating a performance plan that allows the employee a chance to remedy his or her behavior.

Without taking proper steps during the termination process, your company may come up against a discrimination or wrongful termination lawsuit. At Krevsky Bowser, we work with employers to create and review these important policies. Having safeguards in place will put you in a much better position to defend your organization should a lawsuit ever arise.

Harrisburg Lawyers For HR Best Practices In Pennsylvania

Our lawyers can help your company create or review hiring and firing policies, and defend against lawsuits involving applicants or terminated employees. Contact us at 717-303-3764 to learn more.