There are federal protections in place for people with cognitive disabilities in the workplace, just as there are for people with physical disabilities. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission amended the Americans with Disabilities Act to include protection for...
Our attorneys have earned a trusted reputation for protecting the rights of employees and employers throughout Pennsylvania.
Month: March 2022
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If I have been discriminated against at work, do I call an attorney or the EEOC?
Your employer has discriminated against you, and you are ready to take legal action. Where do you begin? Depending on where you work, the process may begin with a complaint to your HR department. Many larger companies require this, and sometimes, HR can resolve the...
Severance agreement requirements for older departing employees
If you are 40 years of age or older and are leaving your job involuntarily, your employer may provide you with a severance agreement to sign. Severance agreements for older departing employees must adhere to certain regulations established by the EEOC and other...