According to a survey from CareerBuilder, 12 percent of respondents said that they were victims of sexual harassment on the job. However, 72 percent of those who claimed to have experienced such behavior did not report it. Furthermore, 54 percent of those who claimed...
Month: January 2018
Movie to implement sexual harassment guidelines
Pennsylvania fans of superhero films might be interested to know that the second movie in the "Wonder Woman" series is set to be the first to adhere to new sexual harassment guidelines. The Producers Guild of America released the guidelines on January 19, and they...
Polls look at experiences of workplace sexual harassment
While a number of women face harassment in the workplace, the design of polls may cause the percentages reporting harassment to differ. Survey timing as well as the wording, placement and order of questions may all account for differing answers. Furthermore, some...
Bartending and sexual harassment
Bartenders in Pennsylvania and throughout the U.S. experience the third-highest rate of nonfatal workplace violence. Even through they may be frequently subject to sexual harassment, some bartenders feel like they just have to deal with it. Many bars and clubs offer...
Flight attendants file discrimination lawsuit against Delta
Pennsylvania residents might be interested to learn that four flight attendants have filed a lawsuit against Delta Airlines, alleging that the airline engages in anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic behavior. The plaintiffs state that the airline has a pattern of intentional...