Sexual harassment can be a challenging topic for many reasons. First of all, some people are not aware of the many different ways in which unlawful sexual harassment occurs. Moreover, it can be difficult for those who have been subjected to sexual harassment to stand...
Our attorneys have earned a trusted reputation for protecting the rights of employees and employers throughout Pennsylvania.
Month: July 2019
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When companies turn a blind eye to sexual harassment
When it comes to workplace violations, many different topics can be explored and should be brought to the attention of workers across all fields. However, sexual harassment is especially concerning and has been very problematic in recent years. Sometimes, this...
Have you faced discrimination at work due to your religion?
Workplace religious discrimination can come in many forms. Essentially, it involves treating a job applicant or an employee less favorably because of their religion or religious affiliation. Or, it can involve unfavorable treatment because the person is married to or...