These days, expecting moms in Pennsylvania often choose to continue working. But pregnant women face discrimination in the workplace every day. Today, we will take a look at some potential signs that may indicate you are a target of discrimination. Parents takes a...
Year: 2019
Women are not the only victims of sexual harassment
As an employee, you have the right to work in an environment free from discrimination and/or harassment. Sadly, at many workplaces in Pennsylvania and across the nation, sexual harassment and discrimination are a part of the daily work routine. In fact, in 2018 alone...
When can you sue for wrongful termination?
If your Pennsylvania employer fires you out of the blue one day, it is natural to feel as if he or she wronged you in some way. This is especially the case if your boss gave no specific reason for the termination. You may wonder if you can sue the company for wrongful...
Can my employer be held liable for harassment?
Pennsylvanian workers like you rely on your workplace to have a safe, healthy environment in order to put forth your best foot. Unfortunately, that isn't always the case. In a work environment where harassment is occurring, just who can be held responsible? Your...
High court ruling under close watch
Since 1964, people across the United States and in Pennsylvania have been told that they should be able to be protected against any form of discrimination at work based on their sex. This mandate, set forth by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, has often been held up...
What should I know about reporting sexual harassment?
While you probably have a good idea of what sexual harassment is and what actions fall under this category, you may not completely understand how the law handles these cases. If you report harassment, it helps to know what will happen and what your rights are under...
Employee misclassification hurts workers
The way people earn a living is changing. With the emergence of the gig economy, it is not unusual for people to have income from several different sources and work multiple jobs at once. Freelancing and independent contracting are on the rise, and many people have a...
What is genetic information?
Some forms of discrimination, such as sex or racial discrimination, are widely known to the public. Workers in Pennsylvania and across the country, however, could also be subjected to a form of discrimination based upon their genetics. To know why an employer might...
Emotional considerations regarding sexual harassment
Sexual harassment can be detrimental with regard to one's career, bringing on financial hardships due to a decision to step down or causing a worker's job performance to suffer. Many sexual harassment victims stay silent, but some are able to stand up for themselves...
What is third-party harassment in the workplace?
Many people know about common types of workplace harassment, such as physical and sexual. Not as many are familiar with what's called third-party harassment. This form of abuse comes from those who are present in the business but are not fellow employees, such as...