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How to take a stand against sexual harassment at work

by | Oct 30, 2017 | Firm News, sexual harassment |

Victims of sexual harassment in Pennsylvania or other American workplaces may be hesitant to report the harassing behavior. This is in part because they feel like the company may retaliate against them. It may also be difficult for those who witness sexual harassment to speak up about it. For some, talking about the issue is difficult because they aren’t sure how to approach it without being offensive.

One way to address the issue is to make it clear to others that the behavior is not appropriate in the workplace. Doing so may be beneficial whether or not the victim is present when jokes or stories are being told. If an employer doesn’t have a clear sexual harassment policy, it could be worthwhile to ask for training about the issue. Taking this step may help to uncover gender biases and make the workplace a better one for all employees.

Those who witness sexual harassment are advised to speak to the victim before taking any action on that person’s behalf. For example, it may be best to notify that person that a complaint will be made to HR or others within the company. Those who know that they have allies within the workplace may be more inclined to speak for themselves regarding what has happened to them.

There are many ways in which a person may be the victim of harassment. If a person is subject to lewd jokes, sexual advances or other aggressive behavior, he or she may benefit from taking action. In some cases, that may mean filing a complaint with the EEOC or other groups. It may also mean talking with an attorney who may review the case. If successful, a victim may be entitled to compensation for lost pay and other damages.