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Can you be fired without notice?

On Behalf of | Jan 4, 2021 | employee rights |

If you’ve just been fired from your job in Pennsylvania, you might be wondering if you can sue for wrongful termination. You might have a lawsuit on your hands if you can prove that your employer fired you for discriminatory reasons or retaliated against you for filing a claim. But if they fired you for any other reason, they might be within their rights to do so.

Can you be fired without notice?

Legally, your employer doesn’t have to give you a notice before firing you. In fact, they can fire you at any time for virtually any reason as long as it doesn’t break employment law. Most jobs try to avoid firing employees without notice because they don’t want to develop a bad reputation. But if they do, you probably won’t have cause for a wrongful termination lawsuit unless you can prove that they fired you because of your race, gender, religion or another protected factor.

When you get fired, your company might provide severance pay to help you support yourself until you get a new job. However, not all states require businesses to offer severance pay to terminated employees. In many states, your job can fire you at any time without notice and without a severance package.

What if you suspect that your employer broke the law?

If your employer fired you after you filed a harassment claim, you might be able to sue for wrongful termination. This also applies if you suspect that you were fired because of your employer’s discriminatory attitude.

Either way, you may want to talk to an attorney about filing a lawsuit against your former employer. You’ll need to collect solid evidence to prove that your employer broke the law when they fired you. An attorney may help you organize this evidence and present your case during settlement talks or in court.